Business credit reports are very essential tools in managing a good business. A credit report can mention payments made within a particular period and income. They can highlight late payments, what are the profitable and non-profitable sources of income are and several other important factors of a business.
Hence, obtaining a business credit report becomes absolutely essential. Nowadays, almost all businesses are obtaining their credit reports online, as it saves both time and effort.
Credit reports are necessary when starting a business. There are websites that offer business reports free of cost. One such website is Upon furnishing details such as name, address and social security number, a person can find out his credit.
Any confusion can be reported back within thirty days and get rectified. Having good credit enables a business to take out a loan that may be used in initial funding.
Once a business is up and running, business credit reports help to monitor the progress of the business. The three major companies that keep track of business credit reports are Equifax, Experian and Trans Union.
Online sites can provide business credit reports from all three companies that may be staggered over a four-month period. The Fair Credit Reporting Act has necessitated all credit companies to disclose credit reports to businesses free of charge once a year.
If business credit reports are necessary more than one time a year, then the company needs to make a payment to the crediting company.
Businesses that consistently check their credit reports online get a clear picture of where things can be improved. Some businesses contract themselves with particular credit companies to provide them continual credit reports after a 30, 60, 90 or 120-day interval. These reports are sent via email and further discussions can follow through mails or phone.
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